Companion Cover Reveal & Release Announcement

This… this has been a long time coming.

I released Construct way back at the end of 2014. It hasn’t actually taken me all six of the intervening years to write Companion, but it took me that long to get it finished, and for that I apologize.

But, that’s all behind us now. Companion is officially finished and on its way into your eyeballs! I’ve got a ton of information about it to follow, but let’s start with the most important part:


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I want all of my covers to depict a specific moment from the book they adorn. The cover to Construct shows Samuel passing by a landmark from that book called the Bleeding Pine. Companion‘s cover depicts Eriane in a contemplative moment after an particularly stressful encounter (which I can’t discuss for fear of spoilers).

Since my original cover artist, Carmen Sinek, was unavailable to work on Companion, I put out a call on Reddit r/Fantasy for recommendations. User u/meadblossom suggested I check out Lius Lasahido. While I love Lasahido’s art, when going through the other artists at his studio Polar Engine, I fell in love with Livia Prima‘s art and commissioned her for this cover. I’m extremely happy with the piece Livia produced for me. It’s exactly the depiction of one of my favorite characters I was looking for, and perfectly evokes the book’s title and theme.


Companion launches on March 2nd, 2021

Pre-orders are available RIGHT NOW for Companion on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Here are the links:

For the pre-order period – and for a limited time after launch – Companion will be available for 40% off retail price at $2.99. After that, the regular retail price will be $4.99.

I very rarely put my books on sale. I prefer to price them competitively so that they’re always a good deal. But I also believe in rewarding early-adopters. If you’re one of the folks who’s excited to read the next chapter and jumps on board at the start, I want you to get the book at a great price.

Speaking of great prices…


During the pre-order period for Companion – from February 2nd to March 2nd, 2021 – Construct is on sale for 25% off, also $2.99 (normally $3.99). So, if you’re new to The Chronicler Saga, you can jump in easy at a great price for both books.


After working on Companion, especially during the editing process, I decided to embark on a Revised Edition of Construct. You can find out more information about that HERE.

In case you’re worried, though: While there were a lot of changes made, they were all minor and done at the sentence level. If you’ve already read Construct, it is not necessary to re-read it. But you’re more than welcome to.


For those who don’t want to re-read anything, I’ve included a “Previously in The Chronicler Saga” section at the beginning of Companion, recapping the events of Construct. This recap is also available HERE, alongside a full preview of the first five chapters of Companion.


First and foremost, check out my interview over at Fantasy Book Critic. This cover reveal and announcement is mirrored over there, but also includes a Q&A session I did with Łukasz Przywóski. I hope you enjoy it.

If you’re looking forward to reading Companion, please take a moment to add it to your “To Read” list over on Goodreads.

If anyone here has anything they want to chat about, y’all can ask me anything on the post over on Reddit r/Fantasy. I’ll be answering all questions I see over the next day or two, so please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s something you want to know.

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